SEO Services

Whether you are a national brand or a local business, having a well-designed, user-friendly website is an essential part of online marketing. However, having a good website is not enough to compete for customers. Your website, and the products and services your business offers to consumers, must be easy to find on the Internet. To achieve this, you need to make sure your site is SEO friendly.


Grow your business locally by optimizing and maximizing your local search results.


Techwood’s team of search marketing experts understand both the technical and strategic sides of national SEO campaigns and use their expertise to provide clients with honest, meaningful, and measurable results.


E-Commerce SEO is beneficial for e-commerce businesses because it has the highest return on investment (ROI) of any other form of e-commerce marketing campaign available.


Our team has over a decade of tried and true experience in all types of Google penalties and know how to successfully navigate post Google penalty recovery to regain organic trust.


Through hands-on trial and error, our team has developed effective link building techniques through manual link building and link attraction that involves strong, well-researched content.


Website SEO audits provide comprehensive insight into a website’s unique architecture, site health issues and most importantly, help our team identify a concrete plan of attack to improve its position in search rank.

Three Things That Set Techwood Digital's Professional SEO Services Apart


Algorithm Knowledge

We have an excellent understanding of search engine algorithm. However, if you are a hiring firm, it may be hard to judge a firm’s skill. We suggest getting three references and asking for the data that made these campaigns successful. See how much incremental business was attributed to organic search engine optimization efforts.


Clear Expectations

We will always be honest about what is required to rank well. We feel a sense of responsibility to our clients and to our industry to be honest with potential clients about what is possible. Our firm lives by referrals, and the referrals we get come from our clients, friends, and team. As such, we abide by the golden rule here.


Superior Execution

Most SEO companies are run by an SEO person who does not have the skills to train a team. Success is only achieved if the owner is on your project. At Techwood, we are a team of owners. We have great recruiting power and high expectations for every employee. That means you will always get owner level knowledge and service.

How We Do SEO Optimization

As an Atlanta SEO Company, Techwood Consulting has implemented successful SEO campaigns for B2B and B2C companies, national brands, and local businesses using the following four elements.

>> Determine the target keywords

For an SEO campaign to be successful, keywords need to have meaningfully high search volume, above average likelihood of conversion, and attainability (meaning, it’s possible to rank well, which is determined by subsequent analysis).

>>  Analyze all ranking signals

This includes HTML markup of all webpage and image assets, content volume, depth, quality, CrawlRank structural analysis, schema markup, page speed, and offsite / link analysis.

>>  Conduct a competitor analysis

We evaluate “What business or website currently occupies the organic search real estate our client needs, and how are they ranking there?”

>>  Execute a clear strategy

Once the analysis is complete, work is scheduled and executed across a multi-month calendar. We customize our plan to leverage all opportunities with in your current processes.

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